Take a Picture, It'll Last Longer
posted by Sarah Gill at 9:45 PM

I know I'm breathtakingly beautiful. One glance at me and it's hard to look away.
While you're staring at my ravishing splendor, take a good look at my eyes. They're sort of a grayish, bluish, blue-gray. Mommy has blue eyes. Daddy and my big brother Evan have brown. There are many opinions and genetic possibilities as to what color my eyes will eventually be. So help me out here and share your thoughts:

I know I'm breathtakingly beautiful. One glance at me and it's hard to look away.
While you're staring at my ravishing splendor, take a good look at my eyes. They're sort of a grayish, bluish, blue-gray. Mommy has blue eyes. Daddy and my big brother Evan have brown. There are many opinions and genetic possibilities as to what color my eyes will eventually be. So help me out here and share your thoughts: