posted by Evan Jake at 5:14 PM

Seriously, sister. This is all you got? You say you want to take over
diaperlogue. You say you want to steal all my toys. But it's going to be awfully hard for you to accomplish any of that if you're sleeping all the time.
That's a picture of me and Sarah together. She's the little one with the chicken legs sticking out of those goofy pink shorts. Sarah was barely awake long enough for Daddy to snap this picture. As it is, you can see she looks pretty groggy in this photo.
Ever since she came home, all she seems to do is sleep. Doesn't she know what she's missing? I certainly never slept this much. Not even close. She hardly ever cries or fusses, either. C'mon, we gotta give these two knucklehead parents a run for their money. I've got a few things I need to teach this little girl. Like crying will always get you what you want. And when you do get what you want, cry a little more just for good measure. It's a good discipline to have.
What surprises me, is that even though Mommy and Daddy have done this once before, they still look pretty clueless as parents of a newborn. I don't see them rushing over to Sarah every two minutes like they did with me to make sure she's breathing. And they definitely don't wash off the pacifier every time it drops on the floor. But even though Sarah looks to be a really mellow, sleepy baby, they still seem to need lots of help.
My Nana was here for several days this week. She helped to take care of me, cooked us meals and helped with some cleaning around the house. Little does Nana know, those are activities that rarely happen around here on their own. "Cooking" usually involves a can opener or a telephone. "Child care" often consists of a video or a cartoon show. And "cleaning," well, with a two-year old, it's hopeless anyway.
I was sad to see Nana leave and I want to thank her for taking such good care of all of us. I also got a quick visit from my Bubbe and Zayde, but they didn't do any cleaning. They only wanted to hold Sarah, even though she barely opened her eyes the entire time they were here. Man, I hope that was worth the tank of gas.
Maybe Sarah will start to come around and help me team up on Mommy and Daddy. They deserve a little more excitement.