Calling Social Services
posted by Evan Jake at 7:06 PM
That's me in the picture with a big, swollen gash on my adorable little noggin. Okay, it's not so much a gash as it a superficial flesh wound. I know you're wondering: How could Evan Jake meet such an injurous fate when he has his magic blue helmet to protect him? Was it dad's fault? Well, here's how it happened...and no, it wasn't dad's fault at all.
It begins at daycare. When mom picked me up, I was playing in the sandbox. Because I was covered in sand, mom took my shoes and socks off before putting my in the biggie van. I guess she still has that new-car paranoia. Usually, I take my shoes and socks off myself while riding home. But since I was already bare foot, I decided to start working on getting that pesky helmet off instead. As they say, idle hands are Evan Jake's playground.
First mom heard the velco on my helmet come undone. This didn't come as a surprise to her since I often get the velcro loosened myself. But for the first time ever, I managed to wiggle that helmet all the way off all on my own. When the helmet came off, the smell of my sweaty head gave me away. Mom looked back in the mirror and saw what I had done. But mom wasn't about to pull over just to put my helmet back on. So I rode the rest of the way without helmety.
When we got home, mom took me out of the biggie van without my helmet and took me inside. I was so excited that I had successfully gotten helmety off, I ran inside toward our front door. In all my excitement, I guess I lost my footing and took a tiny header into a very large metal doorframe. Needless to say, it hurt just a wee-tad.
A few tears were shed. Some screaming was heard. And much hysteria ensued. Mom thought she might have to put me back in the biggie van and take me to the emergency room -- you know, the place that place where dad likes to hang out waiting to get treated. But it wasn't that bad. No baby ER required. Mom bundled me up and made me feel all better. I'm fine now. But the lump on my head is preventing me from wearing helmety. Too bad.
It was fun to take helmety off, but maybe I better leave it on. I need that thing for protection. Helmet baby need helmet!

It begins at daycare. When mom picked me up, I was playing in the sandbox. Because I was covered in sand, mom took my shoes and socks off before putting my in the biggie van. I guess she still has that new-car paranoia. Usually, I take my shoes and socks off myself while riding home. But since I was already bare foot, I decided to start working on getting that pesky helmet off instead. As they say, idle hands are Evan Jake's playground.
First mom heard the velco on my helmet come undone. This didn't come as a surprise to her since I often get the velcro loosened myself. But for the first time ever, I managed to wiggle that helmet all the way off all on my own. When the helmet came off, the smell of my sweaty head gave me away. Mom looked back in the mirror and saw what I had done. But mom wasn't about to pull over just to put my helmet back on. So I rode the rest of the way without helmety.
When we got home, mom took me out of the biggie van without my helmet and took me inside. I was so excited that I had successfully gotten helmety off, I ran inside toward our front door. In all my excitement, I guess I lost my footing and took a tiny header into a very large metal doorframe. Needless to say, it hurt just a wee-tad.
A few tears were shed. Some screaming was heard. And much hysteria ensued. Mom thought she might have to put me back in the biggie van and take me to the emergency room -- you know, the place that place where dad likes to hang out waiting to get treated. But it wasn't that bad. No baby ER required. Mom bundled me up and made me feel all better. I'm fine now. But the lump on my head is preventing me from wearing helmety. Too bad.
It was fun to take helmety off, but maybe I better leave it on. I need that thing for protection. Helmet baby need helmet!