DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Off the Wagon

posted by Evan Jake at 7:44 PM

Is it off the wagon or on the wagon? Whatever you call it, I'm kicking the bottle. Don't worry, I haven't shaved my head or gone into rehab...yet.

Way back, when I was little, I was cut off from nursing almost cold turkey. I was switched to nice warm bottles instead. But now those bottles are slowly being taken away, too.

A couple months ago, mom tried to take away my morning bottle. That did not go over very well. I had horrble withdrawal and kicked up such a fuss that mom let me have them again. But now, mom is gradually replacing my precious bottles with sippy cups -- or as I like to call them, "tippy-sucky cups" because they require a carefully coordinated tip-and-suck technique. Sippy cups are like methodone for us bottle addicts. They still give us the rush of formula that we need, but in a safer and more civilized delivery method.

I don't exactly understand why I have to give up my bottles. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we're showing our house-without-stairs to potential buyers and mom and dad don't want my swaths of empty bottles lying around. Admittedly, at my peak consumption, the kitchen counter was so full of bottles every day, it somewhat resembled a frat-house during Mardi Gras.

I guess I should look at the upside: less bottles means more real food. More real food means more french fries. And I love french fries. Helmet baby need more fries!



At 12:15 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

We made the french fry mistake too.. she loves them. And it keeps her quiet when we go out to eat :)

How about ketchup? Surely that counts as a vegetable, right? A few days ago Avery decided she wanted to dip her fries in ketchup, and LOVED it.

Oh yeah, and good luck with kickin' the habit.


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