DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Monday, February 19, 2007

It's Working!

posted by Evan Jake at 6:49 PM

Today I went to the helmet lady to get my dome checked out. I've been wearing helmety for six weeks now to help correct my plagiocephaly. It's a slow process and takes some time. Today was my big check-up to see how the progress is coming.

People who have seen my head without the helmet think it's getting better. Dad doesn't think the helmet is working. He thinks you just get so sick of looking at the big goofy helmet, that you don't mind the flat head as much anymore. He said it's just a placebo effect. Okay then, dad, why don't we try a little experiment? Why don't you wear the helmet and I'll be the control subject? As if I'm not controlling enough as it is.

Anyway, the helmet lady took new pictures of my head today using a laser. Then she compared the measurements to what my head looked like before I got helmety. It was good news! My head grew seven millimeters in circumference -- that's the measurement around the outside of my cuteness. And the roundness in my head improved by three millimeters! They use millimeters because the metric system is easier for us babies to understand. I can't figure out which is bigger, 5/16ths or 7/32nds of an inch. Can you?

I know it's only a few millimeters change. But at least they're millimeters in the right direction. And I make those millimeters look good. Helmet baby need more millimeters!



At 12:19 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

YAY! So happy for you all!

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Helmet Baby! I'm a big fan of your blog ...


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