DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Still Flat

posted by Evan Jake at 6:14 PM

I've had my cool helmet for over two weeks now. I still don't really mind it, but I think the novelty has worn off. With all the cold weather right now, it's actually coming in handy to keep my head warm. And when dad slips with me on the ice, it will come in very handy.

The helmet is supposed to be making my head rounder, but I think it's still pretty flat under there. I guess it doesn't happen overnight. It happens over many, many days and nights.

Luckily my helmet is probably hiding the fact that I might be in line for another hair cut. I didn't really like getting my hair cut the first time, even though I did like the way it looked when I was finished. Now my hair is getting all shabby again. But maybe mom and dad won't notice and I won't have to go back to that butcher. That's me in the picture showing off my tousled hair after a long day in the helmet.

The other thing I've noticed since I got my helmet, is that there seems to be this strange odor following me around all the time. It seems to get worse later in the day. I wonder where it's coming from. It's not coming from my diaper. I know what that smells like. This one is different. I'm afraid the smell is coming from my helmet. Maybe mom should use some stronger shampoo on my hair. Because when that helmet comes off at bathtime, I imagine it's something like I've seen in those Pepe le Pew cartoons. It's almost as bad as dad's feet when he takes off his shoes.

Meanwhile, no one has come to visit me in my helmet. That hurts my feelings. It makes me think no one wants to see my helmet. I need visitors to bring me toys. Helmet baby need pity!



At 10:59 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

I so badly want to come and visit you! I'm not good with geography, but I don't think you could be much further away from us and still live in the country!
You and Avery could play together, maybe she could wear your stinky helmet for a while and keep from bumping into things with her head.
Or maybe that's gross.
Anyway, hope things start to round out soon, Helmet baby.


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