DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Check-Up from the Neck-Up

posted by Evan Jake at 7:05 PM

I had an appointment recently with a couple of cranial specialists. I'm not sure what that means, but they were nice and had lots of toys for me to play with. They were checking out the flat spot I have on the back of my head. Apparently, with all us babies sleeping on our backs these days, it's been very common for us to work up a bit of a pancake back there.

After a thorough evaluation of my walking and motor skills, they said I didn't show any ill effects from my flatness. In fact, I'm already walking at a 15-month level. (I'm also at a 4th-grade cuteness level.) That's me in the picture. My face is cute as ever, even if my head isn't perfectly round in the back.

In checking out my walking skills, one of the questions they asked mom and dad is whether or not I can climb stairs. Well, since we don't have any stairs in our house, they weren't able to answer that question. Shame on them.

According to these doctors there are a few harmless ways to round out my little head. It will keep getting somewhat rounder as I get older and my hair will grow longer (unless you keep getting me those haircuts!) and it will be less noticeable. I can get some head massages (I like the sound of that, even though it sounds a little "hocus pocus" to me). Or I can wear a funky helmet for a few months (not an attractive option, but since I tend to bonk my head a lot, maybe not that bad of a thing).

If you ask me, if there's anyone that needs to get their heads checked out, it's mom and dad -- if you know what I mean.

Then today, I went to the regular doctor for my one-year check-up. I saw a new doctor we'd never seen before. He was very nice and very thorough. He also was very impressed with my talking and walking skills. He also said I'm months ahead of where I should be. It was obvious to him how smart and developed I am for such a little guy. Well, duh.

He looked at my squishy head and said I would do well with a little helmet for a few months. I'm not planning on playing any contact sports or working on a construction site during that time, so I don't know what good this will do. I guess he said it would help to guide my head into growing into a more round shape. It does sound a bit barbaric, but apparently it won't do any harm and I won't notice it's there. But everyone else will notice, that's for sure. Mom and dad will look like neurotic parents that got their "special" baby fitted for a protective helmet. Well, one thing is for sure: I am special.

Anyway, after the doctor left, two nurses came in and gave me a whole bunch of shots. There were syringes coming at me from every direction. If only I had a body helmet to protect me from needles! I got two shots in each leg. And not only did they give me shots, they also took a shot. They all held me down (including dad) and took some of my blood away. The doctor said that the one-year blood draw is routine, but I think they were taking it to send off to a special lab that clones cuteness.

Well, I know that mom and dad are really agonizing over the whole helmet thing. I can't tell them what to do about my head because ... well, I can't talk that well yet. Plus, I can't even see the back of my head, so it's hard for me to tell what's going on back there. So, would I rather wear a helmet now, during the cold winter months when neither I nor my play friends will know the difference? Or should they take the chance that my little head will round out on it's own by the time I'm 30, losing my hair and trying to get a date?

Stay tuned. I'll let you know what they decide on my behalf. Hey, if I have to be a helmet baby, at least it will be something to blog about, that's for sure. And no matter what they decide, I'll make them feel guilty for it later.



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