DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Happy (Fake) Birthday!

posted by Evan Jake at 6:53 PM

Today was the big bash at our house: Evan Jake's First Annual Birthday Extravaganza Spectacular!

A whole bunch of my family and friends descended on our crib to celebrate my impending first birthday. They came bearing food and gifts. (Emphasis on the gifts, of course, since I wasn't allowed to eat most of the food.)

I assume the party was today (rather than on Thursday, which is my actual birthday) because this was when everyone could come for the celebration. Ordinarily, I would fully expect people to take a day off from work to celebrate this most momentous occasion. But I guess it was more polite to accommodate everyone's schedule and have it on Sunday instead.

There were a lot of people in our house. It was a bit overwhelming. But I was the center of attention the whole time and I love being the center of attention. I was able to show off all my mad new walking skills. Needless to say, everyone was duly impressed.

After we all had a chance to catch up, it was time for some cake. I was strapped into my booster chair and fitted with a special "It's My 1st Birthday" plastic bib. The bib served two purposes. 1) It kept my shirt clean. And 2) it reminded everyone who the birthday boy was. (Me.)

They lit the candles and started to sing me a song. It was a bit silly watching all those grown-ups sing to a baby, but everyone seemed to be enjoying it. So I played along. When they finished singing, I got ready to make my wish and blow out the candles. But before I had a chance, mom blew out my candles for me! Now my wish will never come true. (In case you're wondering, I was wishing for a car ride. I love car rides.)

With the candles extinguished, I was invited to dig right into the cake. I guess they didn't trust me with the pie-cutter or a knife. I don't blame them. My fine motor skills are still a bit lacking. Plus, trying to cut a round cake into 15 even pieces takes some high level math. So, rather than serving up slices of cake to everyone, I just plunged right in with hands!

That's me in the picture eating my cake. I wish someone had told me I had icing on my nose. With all those pictures being taken and the video cameras rolling, it's quite embarrassing.

After a few handfuls of icing, a sudden rush of energy jolted through my body. I started bouncing, wiggling and dancing in my chair. The more I laughed and jumped, the more everyone in the room cheered me on. Wow, sugar is awesome. I guess this is why mom doesn't let me have it very often.

Eventually I made my way through the icing and into the cake. It was carrot and apple cake. I love carrots. Hence the orange nose beneath the blue frosting. Carrots even taste good in cake form.

After cake, it was time for presents. I got lots of great gifts. Toys, clothes, books and even some cash! I love presents. I think dad enjoyed some of the presents, too. Especially the toy that pops corn when you walk. Maybe I'll let him borrow it sometime.

Thanks to everyone who came. And thank you for all the awesome presents. This whole birthday thing is pretty amazing. Maybe I should have another one. I just hope I don't have to wait another year.



At 5:20 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Hope you had a great birthday party and enjoyed your cake!
Avery got one of those popper things too, you guys could race :)

At 12:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Don't think you got my first comment. Glad you had a great party. I had mine on the same day. It was wicked fun until some one snapped a party hat elastic under my chin. Dangerous stuff.



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