DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Monday, November 06, 2006

What Next?

posted by Evan Jake at 6:38 PM

Well, I capped off my weekend yesterday with one of my biggest milestones yet. Taking those first few steps on my own was one of the coolest moments of my life. But before walking into that new phase of my life, I actually had a pretty cool weekend.

This weekend we went on a fun road trip to dad's hometown. Dad wanted to visit some family and friends we haven't seen in a while. Me, I just wanted to go for the long car ride. And I'll be the first one to say that I love car rides!

First, on Saturday we went to my bubbe and pop-pop's house. They were happy to see my mom and dad, but they really only wanted to see me. I crawled all around their house and showed them how good I am at cruising the furniture. Their house is bigger and has stairs. But that didn't stop me from exploring as fast as I could. That's me in the picture doing the one-legged crawl across their kitchen floor. (It's before I discovered this walking thing.)

We also went to visit some of mom and dad's friends. They didn't want to see mom and dad either, they only wanted to see me. I crawled around their house, too. But not before I pooped in their living room. They just made me feel so at home! I had fun playing with all the baby toys at their house. Sorry about spilling all those candies all over your floor. But you all should have been faster to stop me in time. Four adults versus one baby -- it was no contest.

Then we went to visit my great-grandmother (aka mom-mom-mom). She didn't really care about seeing my mom and dad either. She was just so happy to see me. I visited her in her fancy new apartment. I had a great time cruising her furniture also. I helped to pick up every little piece of fuzz off her brand new carpet. Because I approved so much of her new apartment, I pooped in her living room too.

Then we went back to my bubbe and pop-pop's house and the whole family ate a big dinner together. They hardly ate or talked to each other during dinner. They were just all staring at me. And talking to me, telling me how cute I am! Well, duh -- how about sharing some of that brisket?! Then I went to bed and slept in my dad's old room. His room is still full of his old toys. I hope mom and dad save all of my toys. I never know when I might want to play with those stacking cups again.

Then on Sunday, I went to visit my aunt and uncle in their house. I crawled and cruised all around their place as well. Their house is also very nice. I didn't want them to think I didn't appreciate their hosptitality, so I pooped in their living room too. My aunt had fun musical instruments for me to play with. I got to bang on them and express my inner John Cage. There was a piano, a Clavinova, maracas, a triangle, you name it. They even gave me my own set of percussion instruments to take home. That will entertain me for hours. I know mom and dad will love listening to me play at all hours of the day and night.

After music time, we all ate lunch and then we hit the road back home. I was so tired from all the socializing and music-making that I slept the entire way. I guess that long nap in the car gave me enough energy to try some walking when we got home. It's too bad no one we visited this weekend got to see my mad new skills. I guess we will have to go and visit them again soon.



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