DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


posted by Evan Jake at 8:11 AM

Last night was Halloween, the night that all children everywhere dress up in fun costumes and get lots of candy from strangers -- that is all children that aren't in bed by 7:30.

Apparently there was a time change over the weekend. Mom and dad have been trying to put me to bed later, but I still wake up at the same time as before. It doesn't matter to me if it's 6am or 5am. It's all the same to me because I can't read a clock yet.

So there I was, on Halloween, snug in my bed while all the other children were out trick-or-treating. That's right. No costume for me this year. No candy either. Nothing. Isn't that terrible? (That's me in the picture not wearing a costume.)

I guess it makes sense. I can't eat candy. Mom and dad would just take it all for themselves. And I certainly didn't expect mom and dad to dress me up in a silly costume. I'm just grateful if they remember to change my diaper a few times a day.

If I had gotten to pick a costume, it probably would have been dressing up as a car seat. I love my car seat. Then I could have pretended to be on my own car ride. I love car rides.

Walking door-to-door asking for candy sounds like something I'd be good at. I'm so cute, I bet people would have given me lots of extra candy. I'd need a little help with the walking part, of course.

Oh, well. Maybe next year I'll get to put on a costume, collect some candy and stay up until 8:30.



At 3:51 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

You're nose is still looking a little orange.. probably hard to kick the carrot habit though. We struggle with it a little bit too.

And those are some fine looking teeth you got there!


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