DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sick Days Rock

posted by Evan Jake at 7:25 PM

Last night mom and dad took me to the emergency room. These people are crazy.

Turns out I have a little bit of an allergy to the medicine for my ear infection. I thought the medicine was supposed to make me feel better not worse! At least it tastes good.

Anyway, I guess all those red bumps and rashes I had got mom and dad a little freaked out. I was a little worried about it myself. My hands and feet were all puffy, too. And they're pretty puffy for normal, so you can imagine what they looked like.

Even though we had to wait around a long time at the emergency room and we stayed there past my bedtime, I was glad we went. I didn't mind. I just slept right there in the hospital. Plus, it meant a couple extra car rides. And even when I'm sick, I love car rides.

After getting some new tasty medicine, we went home and straight to bed. This morning, I woke up feeling peachy and bright. With all the drama behind us, Mom took me to daycare as usual. But there was a problem.

The nice lady in charge of the daycare found out that I'd had a bit of a fever last night. So I got kicked out. She called mom to come and pick me up. It was against the rules. I felt like such a rebel. Hey, no problem. I was feeling great and got to spend the whole day with mom at home. Actually, we weren't at home the whole day. We went shopping. (When mom's not working, she shops.)

Then this evening all the invitations for my big party got prepared. They're being mailed tomorrow. It's safe to say that if you don't get your invitation in the next few days, you're probably not invited. These invitations are the most exclusive ticket since TomKat's wedding! If you have a problem, call my dad and yell at him. But please don't hold it against me. You can send me a present anyway. I won't tell dad.



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