DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, December 17, 2006

So Now What?

posted by Evan Jake at 5:28 PM

Okay. The big day came and went. I survived a year with these neurotic, under-prepared parents of mine. They don't seem too much worse for the wear and only slightly more clued-in than the day I came home from the hospital. Since I first arrived in this house a year ago yesterday, life's been pretty good I guess. Social services never got called. There were no arguments made in front of a custody judge. And I made as many trips to the emergency room as dad did (one each). I guess that's a pretty good record.

Now my birthday is over. The presents are all opened. The cake is all eaten. The guests all went home. And I'm left feeling just a little bit empty inside. (And a little gassy, too). Heck, things have gotten so ordinary around here, I was thrilled just to get out of the house and ride in the shopping cart at Target today.

Meanwhile, Hanukkah has begun. Every night mom and Dee-Dah light the candles on the menorah. Only I'm not allowed to blow out these candles -- not that I was allowed to blow out the candles on my birthday cake either. That's me in the picture watching the candles get lit. Notice there are no presents in this picture.

I have a board book called My First Hanukkah Board Book. It was given to me by some nice friends of mine. According to this book, I'm supposed to get presents every night of Hanukkah. But so far, I haven't gotten a single gift for Hanukkah. I know I just got a bunch of gifts last week for my birthday. But that was my birthday. This is Hanukkah. What a rip off.

Now that I'm a year old, I just hope mom and Dee-Dah don't start half-tushying it from here on out. It's not like they've been giving 100 percent so far anyway. I guess I'll just have to find a way to hold my head up high, practice walking and keep on keepin' on. I'll do my best to keep you posted. Thanks for staying tuned.



At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Evan,
Not to worry, Hanukkah lasts until Friday. Hopefully you will get some Hanukkah presents before it ends. I don't think we can make it to personally deliver to you before then. I hope you can wait until we see you sometime the following week for some more belated presents.
Bubbie and Pop-Pop


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