DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Location, Location (and Stairs)

posted by Evan Jake at 6:29 PM

Don't tease me like this!

Tonight mom and dad took me to visit a house with stairs. In fact it had lots and lots of stairs. Three floors worth. But no furniture. Not even a crib! How strange.

Turns out the house is for sale and mom and dad took me over to get my opinion. I approved. I shrieked and waved my arms and ran all over the house. But mom kept blocking me from climbing on the stairs. She's no fun.

I like our current house, but I could use a little more space to practice my walking. That's me in the picture trying to escape to a bigger yard.

The nice man showing mom and dad the house kept saying how adorable I am. That's nothing new. I hear it all the time. But he was saying it so often that I could tell he was trying to grease me up a little bit. And dad, too. I'm sure he'd love to see dad write a big check for the house. I'd love a house with stairs, but that check can't be too big. I need some of that money for toys and college!

Mom's favorite feature of the house was the garage. She just loved the idea of being able to put me in my car chair without freezing my tushy to the seat in the winter or burning my fingers on the metal buckles in the summer. Those suckers sting! But the garage only looked big enough to hold one car. I wonder where dad's car would go? Maybe he'd have to sell it in order to buy the house. Good thing there's a bus stop down the street.

I loved the house. But it was getting past my bedtime so I wanted to close the deal right then and there. I figured we could set up my crib in about a half and hour sleep there tonight. Dad was a little less eager. He thought the house was too much of a "handyman's delight." (Dad's not very handy.)

Maybe if I can convince him to go back and see the house again he'll change his mind. He said he needs to talk to a banker first to see how much money it would all cost him. If he needs to, I might let him take out an equity loan on my cuteness. I also have a big piggy bank with plastic coins. Maybe I could spare him a red and a yellow. Just this once.

Even if mom and dad don't buy me this house, at least they're looking. I'm ready for those stairs!



At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Evan,
My suggestion is take lesson from the cats. When they don't want to be caught they go hide under a bed a big bed in the middle so they hard to reach. You can do the same thing



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