DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, January 14, 2007


posted by Evan Jake at 5:23 PM

Now that I turned one, these monthly birthdays just don't give me the same rush that they used to.

Today I'm thirteen months old. But I probably won't get credit for it. Mom and dad will keep telling people that I'm just a year old. In reality, I'm a year and a month. And it's been a pretty big month, so it shouldn't be disregarded.

This month I've gone from walking to running. I can stand up all on my own without the assistance of a wall or chairleg. I can cruise around on my riding truck all by myself. (That's me in the picture riding on my truck...with a little help from mom.)

Of course the biggest change this month is my cool new hat. My friends at daycare think my helmet is cool. You know how us babies are attracted to bright colored plastic. Seeing them excited about my helmet made me feel good. I actually like wearing my helmet. It didn't take me long to figure out that with the helmet on I can run into walls, doors or kitty cats and not feel a thing. I've become a baby canonball.

Fortunately this isn't one of those months where I go to the doctor for shots. But I'm sure a new kind of torture awaits me in the next 31 days. So bring it on. Helmet baby no afraid!



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