Fourteenth Fourteenth
posted by Evan Jake at 6:21 PM
Today I'm fourteen months old. This whole counting months thing is getting a little old. It's just such a mouthful.
"How old are you?"
"Evan Jake is fourteen months old."
Try not to spit on anyone when you say it. I mostly drool, so I'm always spitting, kind of. That's me in the picture with a drooly shirt.
To celebrate Valentine's Day, mom got to stay home with me. There was a little bit of ice and snow outside, so they closed the city. Dad meanwhile got up really early and went to work anyway. I guess he must really not want to spend the day with me. Even though it was Valentine's Day, he didn't want to spend time with mom either.
Dad used the weather as an excuse for not getting mom a card or flowers or anything. Plus he says he bought mom a new biggie van, so that counts as her Valentine's gift. I wonder how long he's going to drag that one out. Meanwhile, I had time to make mom my own Valentine. I hope she liked it. I worked hard to make it for her and she just wrapped it up in an odor-proof plastic bag and threw it away. Oh, well. Helmet baby no make good Valentine.

"How old are you?"
"Evan Jake is fourteen months old."
Try not to spit on anyone when you say it. I mostly drool, so I'm always spitting, kind of. That's me in the picture with a drooly shirt.
To celebrate Valentine's Day, mom got to stay home with me. There was a little bit of ice and snow outside, so they closed the city. Dad meanwhile got up really early and went to work anyway. I guess he must really not want to spend the day with me. Even though it was Valentine's Day, he didn't want to spend time with mom either.
Dad used the weather as an excuse for not getting mom a card or flowers or anything. Plus he says he bought mom a new biggie van, so that counts as her Valentine's gift. I wonder how long he's going to drag that one out. Meanwhile, I had time to make mom my own Valentine. I hope she liked it. I worked hard to make it for her and she just wrapped it up in an odor-proof plastic bag and threw it away. Oh, well. Helmet baby no make good Valentine.
Happy 14 months!
Can't believe how much he has grown - how much they have both grown.
Sorry to hear that your van was your Valentine, but I guess it's better than nothing at all!
Hope you guys aren't buried under too much snow, too. Crazy weather out there lately!
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