Pass Me Over
posted by Evan Jake at 10:28 PM
On Saturday my Bubbie and Zayde came to visit for Passover. We had a seder at our house. That means everyone sits around the table and we tell the story of Exodus about how the Jews quickly fled from Egypt and didn't have enough time to let the bread rise before baking.
I think if my Mommy and Daddy had to suddenly flee somewhere, they'd have a lot more to worry about than how to bake bread. I can just see Daddy loading up the biggie-van with my portable crib and booster chair, calling the neighbors to pick up the mail and making sure all the lights and faucets were off. Mommy meanwhile would be making sure she had enough outfits for me to wear, stocking up on diapers and videos for the trip. We don't move too quickly these days. It can take half an hour just to get ready to the grocery store. So fleeing in a hurry would be quite a chaotic ordeal, that's for sure.
Anyway, back to the seder. Mommy did an amazing job cooking brisket and matzah balls. My favorite part of the dinner was getting to eat the matzah. That's me in the picture eating a whole big piece of matzah myself. Needless to say, there were some crumbs under my chair at the end of the night. I never did get my four sippy cups of grape juice.
Oh, but I did get to go and find the afikomen matzah. (Zayde didn't do a very good job of hiding it.) And when I gave Zayde the afikomen, I got a present. It was some awesome Play-Do. Is Play-Do kosher for Passover? I was sure not to eat it, just in case.
On Sunday, my aunt and uncle came to visit. They're making me a cousin. I can't wait to meet him. We had a lot of fun hanging out and my aunt played the piano for me. She's a way better at playing the piano than Daddy. Then again, so am I.
It was a full weekend of family and I had lots of fun. But today, was the biggest day of all -- Daddy's birthday! I made him a card and wished him a happy birthday. He keeps getting older, but I keep getting cuter. Isn't life grand? Anyway, happy birthday, Daddy!

I think if my Mommy and Daddy had to suddenly flee somewhere, they'd have a lot more to worry about than how to bake bread. I can just see Daddy loading up the biggie-van with my portable crib and booster chair, calling the neighbors to pick up the mail and making sure all the lights and faucets were off. Mommy meanwhile would be making sure she had enough outfits for me to wear, stocking up on diapers and videos for the trip. We don't move too quickly these days. It can take half an hour just to get ready to the grocery store. So fleeing in a hurry would be quite a chaotic ordeal, that's for sure.
Anyway, back to the seder. Mommy did an amazing job cooking brisket and matzah balls. My favorite part of the dinner was getting to eat the matzah. That's me in the picture eating a whole big piece of matzah myself. Needless to say, there were some crumbs under my chair at the end of the night. I never did get my four sippy cups of grape juice.
Oh, but I did get to go and find the afikomen matzah. (Zayde didn't do a very good job of hiding it.) And when I gave Zayde the afikomen, I got a present. It was some awesome Play-Do. Is Play-Do kosher for Passover? I was sure not to eat it, just in case.
On Sunday, my aunt and uncle came to visit. They're making me a cousin. I can't wait to meet him. We had a lot of fun hanging out and my aunt played the piano for me. She's a way better at playing the piano than Daddy. Then again, so am I.
It was a full weekend of family and I had lots of fun. But today, was the biggest day of all -- Daddy's birthday! I made him a card and wished him a happy birthday. He keeps getting older, but I keep getting cuter. Isn't life grand? Anyway, happy birthday, Daddy!
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