Monkey See, Monkey Don't
posted by Evan Jake at 8:23 PM
Tonight for Halloween, Momma and Dadda dresed me up in my costume. That's me in the picture in my monkey costume. A couple weeks ago, Momma took me to the store and let me pick it out myself. Yes, I liked the way it looked in the store, but when it came time to put it on, I was a little resistant. I finally gave in and let them dress me up, but no way I was letting them put that monkey hood on my head.
Dadda took me outside to go trick-or-treating. I didn't really understand this. Apparently I was supposed to walk around the neighborhood in the dark, wearing a bulky costume and ask for candy. And by visiting each house, I would get one measly piece of candy. That seemed like a lot of work just to get one of those snack-sized candies. Why should I put in that much effort when I already had a heaping pile of candy in a bowl at our house? So instead of walking around, I sat on the front stoop and sorted through all that glorious candy that Momma and Dadda brought home from the store. (They didn't have to walk door-to-door to get it, why should I?)
Then suddenly, at precisely 6:30pm all these mini-vans showed up on our street. The doors opened and piles of kids in costumes poured out. It was pandemonium up and down the entire block. The kids would come up to me and ask for some of my candy. I obliged and I would put a single snack-sized piece of candy in their bag. I quickly realized that this made me a very popular baby -- even more popular that I already am.
I had lots of fun handing out candy. But I got so carried away, I didn't even realize I had given away all of my favorite Hershey bars. I was a little sad. Maybe I should have saved the Hershey bars and given away the Almond Joys instead. One thing I learned tonight is that no one likes Almond Joys. You can't give them away, literally.
Then, at 7:15pm, the street emptied and everyone was gone. There was nothing but empty candy wrappers left behind and the faint odor of Tootsie Roll pops. Maybe next year I'll give the trick-or-treating a shot. And I'll be sure to hang on to those Hershey bars.

Dadda took me outside to go trick-or-treating. I didn't really understand this. Apparently I was supposed to walk around the neighborhood in the dark, wearing a bulky costume and ask for candy. And by visiting each house, I would get one measly piece of candy. That seemed like a lot of work just to get one of those snack-sized candies. Why should I put in that much effort when I already had a heaping pile of candy in a bowl at our house? So instead of walking around, I sat on the front stoop and sorted through all that glorious candy that Momma and Dadda brought home from the store. (They didn't have to walk door-to-door to get it, why should I?)
Then suddenly, at precisely 6:30pm all these mini-vans showed up on our street. The doors opened and piles of kids in costumes poured out. It was pandemonium up and down the entire block. The kids would come up to me and ask for some of my candy. I obliged and I would put a single snack-sized piece of candy in their bag. I quickly realized that this made me a very popular baby -- even more popular that I already am.
I had lots of fun handing out candy. But I got so carried away, I didn't even realize I had given away all of my favorite Hershey bars. I was a little sad. Maybe I should have saved the Hershey bars and given away the Almond Joys instead. One thing I learned tonight is that no one likes Almond Joys. You can't give them away, literally.
Then, at 7:15pm, the street emptied and everyone was gone. There was nothing but empty candy wrappers left behind and the faint odor of Tootsie Roll pops. Maybe next year I'll give the trick-or-treating a shot. And I'll be sure to hang on to those Hershey bars.