DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Friday, April 06, 2007

Big Turnaround

posted by Evan Jake at 5:49 PM

Daycare had been closed the much of the week, and surprisingly, I found myself missing it a little bit. Meanwhile, mom's school wasn't closed at all this week. So that meant I got to spend some quality time with dad over the last few days.

Dad and I mostly have a lot of fun together. He seems to be coming into his own as a father. While I like to see him happier and more confident when we're together, I kind of miss the neurotic, bumbling, insecure dad that would put my shirts on backwards, spill my bottles on the floor and leave the house without my diaper bag. That was pretty amusing to watch. I can still yank his chain pretty good when I want to, but sometimes it's nice just to spend time with him eating snacks and watching TV on the couch. Or wrestling on the floor. Or playing peek-a-boo under the covers. Or playing see-how-close-I-can-comg-to-knocking-over-this-lamp-before-you-can-stop-me. Those games are awesome.

But by far the most amazing milestone of the week involved a big change with my car chair. Dad put me into the car today and I was amazed to find myself facing forward! My whole life, I've been riding in the car backward and watching the world whirl into the distance through the rear window. The only way I could see mom and dad was by peering at them in my bubble mirror.

Now, as I ride forward, I can watch as the road unfurls before us. I got so excited during that first ride that I couldn't help but shriek and giggle with glee the entire time. I even found myself yelling out "Weeee!" on a couple occasions. And now I can watch mom and dad the entire time. My cries are harder for them to ignore, too, when I facing right into their ears.

There are a couple drawbacks to facing forward, though. First of all, now I can see what a crazy driver dad really is. Hey, dad, there's a baby on board. Take it easy! Secondly, when I take my shoes off in the car, as I'm wont to do, mom and dad can reach back and tickle the bottom of my feet. Maybe I should keep those shoes on. Ooh, stop, it! Helmet baby ticklish!!



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