DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Your Call May be Monitored or Recorded

posted by Evan Jake at 9:13 PM

We've been having some trouble with our cable and internet service lately. Quite frankly, it's been a nightmare. Our service is provided by one of the big national cable corporations based in Philadelphia that shall remain nameless for fear that they will disconnect our service again just for spite.

Ever since we moved, this cable company hasn't really been able to figure out how to provide reliable service to our new address or schedule repairs on a timely basis. As a result, Dadda has spent countless hours on the phone with them -- hours he could have spent playing with me, Evan Jake. Watching him spiral through a customer service loop to nowhere, it's been funny to watch Dadda's reaction sometimes. He'll start off the call being all nice and fuzzy, but after a few minutes on the phone, he'll be a hopping mad lunatic.

This morning, I thought I would show Dadda just what he looks like when he's on the phone with the cable company. I wanted to be sure he got it on tape so I could show everyone.

So here it is, Evan Jake's impression of Dadda on the phone with the cable company:



At 10:47 PM, Blogger SKBK said...

ohmygosh that was the funniest thing ever.


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