DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Thanks Andy!

posted by Evan Jake at 7:13 PM

You may remember not long ago when my precious DVD player burned out. Dad went out and bought the cheapest replacement he could find. And just a few short weeks later, that DVD player broke, too!

So dad went rummaging through the piles of boxes and found the receipt. (Dad had conveniently saved the box for the DVD player figuring it would be handy for the move.) I went with mom and dad to the large-chain discount electronics store where dad bought the cheapie DVD player to return it. They gladly accepted the return DVD player and gave dad a credit to buy a new one.

Not only did dad go back and buy the same exact cheapie DVD player, he bought an open-box item at an even greater discount. I guess dad is already feeling house poor and we haven't even moved yet!

It wasn't until we got home that dad realized he had left my favorite DVD in the player he had just returned! For those of you who know how much I love my Baby MacDonald: A Day on the Farm video, you can understand how upsetting such a revelation would be.

So dad got on the phone to the store and asked if they could locate my precious DVD. A nice man named Andy who works in the warehouse worked tirelessly for hours to find my disc. And he did! We got a phone call that the DVD had been found and is now waiting for us a the store. So now when we move into our new house, at least one comfort item will come along with me. That is, if the new cheapie DVD player doesn't give out first!

Thanks, Andy!



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