DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Monday, May 14, 2007


posted by Evan Jake at 11:03 AM

Yes, today I celebrate my seventeenth month. It's a prime number and devoid any real excitement except for the fact that it's the month that preceeds the big 18-month celebration.

Over the next 31 days, I hope to expand my vocabulary just a little bit more. I'm already quite conversant -- although when you first meet me, you'd not be so convinced. I can be a little hard to understand sometimes. Often it's because I'm trying to talk with food or my fingers in my mouth. Also, the words I say are sometimes out of context, so they can sound a bit random. So I thought I would provide you with this handy lexicon to understand "Evan Jake."

ap·puh n. apple, orange, other round fruit
bye·bye intj. bye or farewell
bah n. bottle
bah·kih n., v., adj., adv. applies to almost anything, wild card
buh·buh n. bubbles
da·da n. dad or mom (interchangeable)
eh·eh intj. "Excuse me."
gra·guh n. cracker, cereal, any food that is crunchy
iyh intj. hi or greetings
kah n. car
kee n. key
kih·kee n. cat, kitty, kitty-cat
uh·oh intj. "Look what dad did."
up v. to pick me up, put me down or otherwise change my elevation
wee intj. awesome



At 8:22 AM, Blogger dl004d said...

Why does Evan assume he is spelling the word "key" wrong when he says it? Why isn't the entry listed as: "key n. key"?


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