DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Burn Out

posted by Evan Jake at 8:56 PM

This was a rough weekend. It all started yesterday.

I was watching one of my many beloved videos when it started jumping and skipping. The DVD player has been dying a slow death and finally the bell has tolled. I guess all my Baby Einstein videos set to "repeat play" at last melted the whole video player. I think dad was devastated not to hear those charming little songs wafting through the house. I've now had to go like 36 hours without a DVD to watch.

Okay, that's not really true, because I also have a DVD player in the car and mom let me watch a little today while we were driving around in the biggie van. But while I'm at home, it means I have to play with my toys and interact with mom and dad without my videos.

Alright, I shouldn't exaggerate. I don't really watch that many videos. I'll chill out watching a vid while mom changes laundry or checks her e-mail. It's certainly not all the time. But I am learning a few things from my videos. The sign language movie has taught me some really helpful signs that I use to communicate when my words don't quite do the trick. I can say words like "cracker," "bubble" and the ubiquitous, "uh oh." But it comes in quite handy when I can combine them with the signs for words like "more," "book," "car," "go" and "drink," just to list a few of my favorites.

Since the trusty DVD player is broken, here's a very brief online video of my own saying a couple words and signs. If I didn't have such stage fright in front of the camera, this video might have been a little bit longer.



At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Evan,
Now you know what you know to get Mom for Mother's Day. And since you can say Bubble I might think you are talking to me because Bubbe almost sounds the same.


At 3:25 PM, Blogger dl004d said...

For what it's worth, I too like bubbles more than cars.


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