DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, July 08, 2007

No Dumping

posted by Evan Jake at 4:06 PM

Well, after an entire month of packing, cleaning, moving, unpacking, cleaning again, scrubbing, redecorating and sorting, we're almost nearly halfway sort of moved in to our new house with stairs. All the big boxes are gone from the living room. (Actually, there are two small boxes still left, but let's just pretend they're some sort of post-modern end tables.) All the furniture is in place, pictures are hung on the walls, the CD collection is alphabetized and the books are on their shelves -- until I pull them all down onto the floor and start ripping out pages.

The last big event in the moving process occurred yesterday afternoon. This entailed loading up the "biggie" van and heading over to a really cool place called the "Resource Recovery Facility." Dadda said that's just a fancy name for the county "dump." It's like calling my dirty diapers "Organic Replenishment Receptacles." Around here, we call them ORRs for short.

You see, after carefully packing all that stuff at the old place, and then employing big strong guys to move it to the news place, Momma and Dadda decided there were a whole bunch of things they really didn't need any more. Among those items was a broken VCR that I had wedged some toys inside of, a cracked coffee table, and lots of empty cardboard boxes.

So Momma and Dadda loaded it all up in the van and drove us off to the dump. We stopped at all these different dumpsters for every different kind of trash. The bins were each marked separately: "CARDBOARD/PAPER;" "GLASS BOTTLES" (luckily, I use plastic bottles); "COMPUTERS;" "YARD WASTE"; and then a mysterious area called "THROW METAL OVER WALL." To my chagrin, I did not see a bin marked "ORRs ONLY."

After dropping off all of our "resources," we headed back home to our clean and somewhat empty house. You see, this new house is bigger than our old house without stairs. So our living room doesn't have any furniture in it. I love it, because it gives me lots of room to run around. I hope Momma and Dadda aren't planning to put any big sofas or chairs in my way. Because I have a total blast running in circles! This is me in the video running around my big empty play room. Enjoy!



At 10:21 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Wow, he is loving that big space!
Avery is big on the vocal running too :)


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